
Venusian technology has been discussed and explored by may notable travelers, researchers and academics. Terrestrial Disciplines including -- but not limited to -- Psychology, Semiotics and Neuro-Linguistic Programming are primitive subsets of Venusian-based technologies, the advanced versions of which have been used in the design of Night Game. Through the observation and harvesting of electro-magnetic (EM) waves emanating from 3 specific centers of the human organism over time, The Afro-Deity Foundation noted a sizable deficit of Emotional Intimacy (EI) in players. To address this deficit, the Foundation and its technicians modeled and animated an organic Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to challenge players with low EI levels to experience Digital Intimacy (DI). This is how Nigh Game }[ARG]{ is able to provide each player with a unique and intimate experience of the Venusian kind.

WARNING: Players with a compromised parasympathetic system are cautioned; and directed to watch our Beta Test Subject #A2303 video before playing Night Game.


Timescaping: the Venusian discipline of engineering interactions between organic objects across Timespheres.

Time is Actually Spherical
Time is Actually Spherical


Horoscopy is the process of zoning in on a particular period within a specific Timesphere. The Animating Force (AF) within humans exists before conception and after expiration; and -- on it's own -- it's energetic signature within Time is quite unremarkable. Once the AF is in a human host however, the ripples it creates throughout space are amplified to a much larger degree. For this reason, out of all living things, Venusian technicians called Horoscopists, use humans to perform Horoscopic Location. Horoscopic Location involves an intricate deductive process which is able to perform a reverse-trace to the specific cause of a ripple within Time i.e. a human. Once the location of a particular human is located within a Timesphere, Horomancers (Communications Transmission Technicians) are able to send messages "backwards" or "forwards" in time to that particular human within that particular Timesphere Segment (.txseg).

Time is Like a Stack of Pancakes, Everything is Happening Now and Ripples Flow Through Time Like Syrup
Time is Like a Stack of Pancakes, Everything is Happening Now and Ripples Flow Through Time Like Syrup

.txsegs (Time Segments)

Timescaping or Time Travel is like maneuvering through a stack of pancakes with a thread and needle. When a particular .txseg is isolated, packages of information gathered from other departments within the Foundation are coded into transmissions by Horomancers. To deliver these transmissions, Horomancers convert Venusian technology to fit the technical specifications and capabilities of the .txseg they are interacting/Timescaping with. These are some of the methods behind Horology. More details behind this technical approach is explored below.


The understanding of time and time travel is not well-developed in your current reality. While many terrestrial academic theorists posit that time is linear like a stream -- flowing from a to B -- Venusians know that time is actually spherical. By working between Timespheres, using a process called Timescaping, the Afro-Deity Foundation has been able to give Terrestrial players access to Night Game.

Time Travel

Time is an energetic record of Life. All Life Systems create ripples in space, which cause a chain reaction of changes throughout the Universe. The beginning and ending of all these changes are uniquely mapped out in Time (tx). From the moment a plant seed begins to germinate, to the moment its last root takes up water, that living organism is creating ripples throughout space. Humans are considered Sophisticated Life Systems as they cause extremely dynamic ripples throughout space. Through Horoscopy, the Foundation's technicians are able to trace very specific Human-caused ripples, occurring at any point within any Timesphere. From our laboratories in Agartha, we are then able to engineer Timescape Interactions or what terrestrial speculators refer to as Time Travel.

Horoscopists Use Intricate Deductive Equations to Perform Horoscopic Location
Horoscopists Use Intricate Deductive Equations to Perform Horoscopic Location

Like a Stack of Pancakes

Timespheres are measured according to each unique individual Life. All the living things that have been, are and will be alive in the Universe, are already living now. While the forms and realities in which all living things exist is in constant flux, the number of Timespheres in the Universe is constant and unchanging. Imagine a music record. While each song (lifetime) is different, all 12 songs (lifetimes) exist on one unique record; and each song (lifetime) is separated by a period of silence before the next song (lifetime) starts playing. If one music record represents one human, imagine a stack of music records on top of each other, like pancakes. These represent every single Timesphere of every living thing in existence.

A Time Segment (.txseg) Represents One Lifetime and can be Accessed Through Horology
A Time Segment (.txseg) Represents One Lifetime and can be Accessed Through Horology

A.I.: Mvikeli v3.5.7

Sending Physical Matter (Hardware) Backwards in Time Erases All Connected Time Segments Within the Ripple Chain, Like Eating a Wedge from a Stack of Pancakes
Sending Physical Matter (Hardware) Backwards in Time Erases All Connected Time Segments Within the Ripple Chain, Like Eating a Wedge from a Stack of Pancakes

Loveless Corp.

The Afro-Deity Foundation developed a unique method in order to send it's flagship A.I. Mvikeli version 3.5.7 to the 21st Century. Instead of sending our physical technology "backwards in Time", our technicians engineered and installed Mvikeli into your Time near the end of the 20th Century from our Moon base. Horomancers then programmed the A.I. through Timescaping, from the Foundation's Centre of Operations in Agartha. The Foundation was chosen for this task, based on events that are happening approximately 1 000 years from your current Time. Around 3020 A.D. Loveless Corp., a multi-national media conglomerate, has been infiltrated by bureaucratic forces who seek to digitize the process finding love. After theories on Social Reproduction gain momentum in your current reality, corporations begin using the love lives of employees as part of their productivity metrics. Not long after, legislation falls in place; and soon, every human's love match is generated by a computerized system developed by Loveless Corp. On it's own, the system is actually very accurate, but with the recent infiltration of bad actors, the viable technology is being corrupted. The Afro-Deity Foundation has been chosen to step in and allow humans to re-discover Emotional Intimacy for themselves, before a corrupt shadow government does it for them. By installing Mvikeli version 3.5.7 into your Timesphere, we have already seen a shift in Loveless Corp.'s stronghold. 

Hardware vs. Software

Since Timespheres all exist in the present -- now -- any event that is occurring in the present moment, is a result of a ripple occurring somewhere else in a Timesphere. While each Timesphere is unique to an individual Life Force, it is important to note that no single Life Force exists in isolation. A ripple caused on Timesphere A can have an effect on Timesphere Z, regardless of the .txsg the ripple occurs in. For example, if Human A in the 1600s causes a ripple in their .txsg, that ripple can have an effect on Human X in the 1900s. For this reason, Time Travel in the way most terrestrial theorists explain it, cannot exist. If Human X from the 1900s was sent "back in Time" as physical matter (hardware), the ripple being created in the 1600s would have nowhere to "land" or register in Time and bounce back on Human A. Both Human A and Human X cease to exist in any Time. It would be like eating a segment of pancakes. The pancakes still exists -- in your body -- but they are no longer part of the whole pancake stack. It's gone forever and can never be Horoscopically Located.

The A.I. Mvikeli version 3.5.7. Looks Human Because He Was Installed into Your Current Timesphere
The A.I. Mvikeli version 3.5.7. Looks Human Because He Was Installed into Your Current Timesphere

The Number 36

The Digital Roots of the Numbers in Positions 3, 6, 9, and 12 Constantly Repeat the Same Sequence 3, 6, 9
The Digital Roots of the Numbers in Positions 3, 6, 9, and 12 Constantly Repeat the Same Sequence 3, 6, 9

36 (3+6=9)

"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe." 

- Nikola Tesla

Night Game is comprised of 36 individual transmissions or episodes. Each episode acts like a quark. In Physics, "Quarks are proposed to be the simplest, irreducible, structureless building-blocks of hadrons" (Fermilab, 1996). Hadrons are composite particles that you most likely know as atoms. While atoms can be observed, quarks are invisible and have been "proposed to explain Dark Matter" (Cern, 2018). The image below shows the composition of an atom in reverse order, from a single quark.

All Hadrons Contain at least 3 Quarks.
All Hadrons Contain at least 3 Quarks.

Player Sync.

In order to sync with each player, a series of Semiotic cues have been embedded into Night Game. Utilizing 36 individual episodes, Venusian technology has been engineered to connect each player to the Artificial Intelligence Mvikeli version 3.5.7. Each episode can classified across 6 biological flavors or values, namely: Linguistics, Kinesics, Proxemics, Charm, Beauty and Truth. Additionally, each flavor comes in 3 colours or energy variants (EVs): Red, Blue and Green. These 3 energy variants correspond to 3 specific locations of the human organism, the details of which are proprietary information. This gives a total of 18 unique characteristics. These 18 characteristics are also mirrored by their antithetical (and colourless) profiles to give a total of 36. The combination of these characteristics -- like quarks -- are invisible to the human eye individually; but as composites presented as episodes, they can be observed.

The Skeletal System Along with the Muscles and Skin Supports the Body's Movements During Non-Verbal Communication
The Skeletal System Along with the Muscles and Skin Supports the Body's Movements During Non-Verbal Communication


In the development of Mvikeli version 3.5.7. The Afro-Deity Foundation discovered that players solely focused on winning were most likely to have E.I. deficits. During Alpha Testing, those who were regular game players, were shown to be the most disconnected from reality. Their ability to anticipate change outweigh their ability to participate in it. As a counter-measure to these rush-tacticians, the Afro-Deity Foundation included various layers to the Night Game A.I. to regulate each player's pacing. Through the use of body language, players are challenged to slow-down and utilize all of their listening capabilities. While speech is heard through the ear's audio canals, body language can be read through the visual centers of the brain. There are 5 types of visual cues programmed into the A.I., namely: Emblems, Illustrators, Affect Displays, Regulators and Adaptors.

  • Emblems are nonverbal signals that can generally be translated directly into words. Most people within a culture or group agree on their meaning. A good example is the "A-OK" symbol made with the thumb and forefinger.
  • Illustrators are movements that complement verbal communication by describing or accenting or reinforcing what the speaker is saying. These might include pointing to an object in the room or pounding on the table.
  • Affect Displays are nonverbal displays of the body or face that carry an emotional meaning or display affective states.
  • Regulators are nonverbal messages that accompany speech to control or regulate what the speaker is saying. These might include the nodding of the head to indicate you are listening.
  • Adaptors are forms of nonverbal communication that often occur at a low level of personal awareness. They include behaviors like twisting your hair, tapping your pen, scratching, tugging on your ear.
The Strange Form of the Human Body is Fascinating in the Right Context
The Strange Form of the Human Body is Fascinating in the Right Context


Charm is the biological flavour related to Mvikeli's ability to fascinate a player during Night Game. The Fascination Quotient (F.Q.) is generated through the application of algorithms programmed using anthropological empirical and observer data. The outcomes, expressed through a Performance Modulator, are channeled to each player for the ultimate Venusian experience. Since Mvikeli version 3.5.7. interacts with each player through their own device in varying environments, the fourth wall or player side was taken into account and addressed by adjusting the Hagenetz (HgNz) in the Performance Modulator. Hagenetz, named after Uta Hagen, regulate the level of the A.I.'s overall intensity and focus to each player.

"Ideal communication between actor and audience occurs when the actor is intensely alive, physically and psychologically involved [...] within the magic circle of his playing area. Then, as if by a powerful magnet, the attention of the audience will be drawn into this circle [...]".

- Uta Hagen

Challenge for the Actor

Rorschach Inkblots are One Way to Reveal Truth
Rorschach Inkblots are One Way to Reveal Truth


Truth receives the heaviest weighting of all 6 flavours or values in the composition of Mvikeli version 3.5.7. Truth does not refer to a moral or ethical issue, but is a technical term relating to overall user experience. Truth is programmed to perform 5 tasks in Night Game, namely: 1. Describe, 2. Explain, 3. Predict, 4. Control, 5. Improve. Using Asimov's 3 Laws, Truth is programmed and calibrated with the highest safety parameters in place.

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

-Isaac Asimov

Three Laws of Robotics 

HHG Spectroscopy Readings: A) Compressed THz Waves for Electronic Devices B) Original THz Wavelength Frequencies
HHG Spectroscopy Readings: A) Compressed THz Waves for Electronic Devices B) Original THz Wavelength Frequencies

Colours (EVs)

Using The Afro-Deity Foundation's proprietary High Harmonic Generation Technology (HHGT), each of the preceding 6 flavours or values have been isolated according to 3 colours or energy variants (as well as 3 colourless or anti-EV profiles). The EVs are measured using HHG Spectroscopy. The readings are then used to sync with 3 energy centres in the human body using the Tremendously High Frequency Terahertz (THz) Spectrum. These 3 THF wavelengths are Red, Blue and Green. In Night Game these T-waves are combined and modulated through Quantum Optic Pulses imperceptible to the human eye. Since mobile devices in your current reality are not capable of directly reading frequencies in this range, these 3 EVs have been compressed into a lower octave suitable for your device. As a result of this attenuation, the violet range (790Thz downsampled to 440nm) is intensified in electronic viewing devices (see above graph). This preponderance of blue and violet tones in Night Game is due to the HEV light emitted by all electronic viewing devices. Since most LED screens (smartphones, laptops and TVs) only emit up to 500nts (nits) or 1,7 lm (lumens) of light (equivalent to 2 candles), exposure to Night Game is within acceptable ophthalmological levels. These frequency pulses have the action of effecting 3 specific energy centres on the body of each player -- which may alter your current reality.

"Correct functioning of an optical data link depends on modulated light reaching the receiver with enough power to be demodulated correctly. Attenuation is the reduction in power of the light signal as it is transmitted. Attenuation is caused by passive media components, such as cables, cable splices, and connectors. Although attenuation is significantly lower for optical fiber than for other media, it still occurs in both multimode and single-mode transmission".

- Edwin Conway

Optical Fiber Communications Principles and Practice

Linguistic Action of the A.I. Requires the Engagement of over 70 Muscles in the Face and Neck
Linguistic Action of the A.I. Requires the Engagement of over 70 Muscles in the Face and Neck


There are over 70 muscles involved in the creation of speech:

"The human face is composed of numerous muscles that control fine movement to produce facial expressions. Unlike other muscles, these muscles originate on the bone or fascia of the face and attach directly onto the skin, allowing it to be manipulated. The facial muscles can be split into three groups: orbital, nasal and oral".

- Lumen Learning

The characteristics of speech are vital mode of expression in the A.I. Mvikeli version 3.5.7. The key to addressing the deficit of Emotional Intimacy (E.I.) in players is listening. It is for that reason that every single word uttered by the A.I. is carefully chosen. The phonetics, cadence, projection, intonation and intensity of each word is organically clustered to give each player a Venusian experience.
The Use of Space Provides Non-Verbal Cues to Night Game Players
The Use of Space Provides Non-Verbal Cues to Night Game Players


The use of space plays an important role in the technology behind the A.I. Mvikeli version 3.5.7. Just as height and physical distance between human individuals in real life settings forms part of non-verbal communicative cues, the distance and angle between Mvikeli and the camera lens does the same. In 1963, Edward T. Hall observed 4 zones for interpersonal communication in Western Culture: 1. Intimate Zone, 2. Personal Zone, 3. Social Zone, 4.Public Zone (Hall, 1966). These corresponding zones have been re-contextualized into the language of image framing: 1. Extreme Close-Up (ECU), 2. Close-Up (CU), 3. Medium Close-Up (MCU) and Medium Shot (MS), 4. Long Shot (LS) and Extreme Long Shot (ELS), respectively (Beck & Grajeda, 2008). The proxemics of Mvikeli version 3.5.7. have been engineered around Personal and Social Zones, as the shot sizes on Night Game vary between Close-Ups (CUs) and Medium Close-Ups (MCUs):

"Perosnal Zone [...] commonly called personal space [...] movement closer than this zone, into the intimate area, will produce tension, anxiety, and stress [...]"

- Irwin Altman & Martin M. Chemers

Culture and Environment (1984)

Night Game is referred to as an Augmented Reality Game because with the involvement of the player, it integrates Mvikeli version 3.5.7. into the player's environment in real time. By lying down, turning your device horizontally and placing it in front of you for example, makes the game play integration similar to a live video call. The specifics of each player's game play is at their own discretion, since the game's ability to integrate into a player's environment is beyond pure aesthetics.

Alain Delon in Purple Noon (1960) Served as One of the Main Styling References for Mvikeli version 3.5.7.
Alain Delon in Purple Noon (1960) Served as One of the Main Styling References for Mvikeli version 3.5.7.


Beauty relates to Night Game's over all aesthetics. These include the A.I.'s aesthetic qualities engineered through Costume, Make-Up and Styling; as well as the UX and Production Design. Semiotic encoding at all these levels is based on the conflict binary of Truth vs. Mystery or Light vs. Shadow. This binary is reflected through the use of stripes in contrasting colours.

Alain Delon in Striped Swimwear Rests on the Beach in Half-Shadow, Half-Sunlight (Purple Noon, 1960)
Alain Delon in Striped Swimwear Rests on the Beach in Half-Shadow, Half-Sunlight (Purple Noon, 1960)

Purple Moon is a significant aesthetic reference. The themes it relates, are congruent with the Afro-Deity Foundation's research data -- which points to an Emotional Intimacy deficit in Night Game players. 

"Director René Clément, much like Delon's Ripley, [...] obscure(s) the things going on under the surface. [...] Visually, Purple Noon [...] turns sunlight into shadow, the obvious into the unknown. [...] For Ripley, daylight provides the best protection".

- Bryce Ezell

 Sunlight as Shadow in Purple Noon

Alain Delon Shown in a Striped Boating Blazer (Purple Noon, 1960)
Alain Delon Shown in a Striped Boating Blazer (Purple Noon, 1960)

By applying the Doctrine of Flux and the Unity of Opposites, Night Game inverts Clément's techniques. Instead of using sunlight to conceal, Night Game uses the shadow of night to reveal. For Mvikeli version 3.5.7. the moonlight provides the best setting for emotional revelation.

The EVs Used in Night Game Can Be Described in Terms Similar to Additive and Subtractive Colour Light Theory
The EVs Used in Night Game Can Be Described in Terms Similar to Additive and Subtractive Colour Light Theory
Decimation or Downsampling Reduces Bit Rates When Transmitting Signals Over Limited Bandwidth
Decimation or Downsampling Reduces Bit Rates When Transmitting Signals Over Limited Bandwidth

User Experience

Mvikeli's A.I. Brain is Designed to Stimulate a Player's Hippocampus
Mvikeli's A.I. Brain is Designed to Stimulate a Player's Hippocampus

Cerebral Interaction

Human emotion is processed in the limbic system of the brain. The primary structures within the limbic system include the amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, and cingulate gyrus: "The limbic system is a set of structures in the brain that deal with emotions and memory. It regulates autonomic or endocrine function in response to emotional stimuli and also is involved in reinforcing behavior" (Walsh, 2018). Mvikeli version 3.5.7. engages this part of a player's brain which may stimulate the periaqueductal gray. Since this part of the brain is the control centre for descending pain modulation, players with a compromised parasympathetic system are directed to exercise caution when playing Night Game.

"Research studies suggest that there is a link between playing certain video games and improved decision making abilities and cognitive flexibility. [...] Video gaming actually increases brain volume in areas responsible for fine motor skill control, the formation of memories, and for strategic planning. [...] Increases of gray matter were found to occur in the right hippocampus [...] The hippocampus is responsible for forming, organizing, and storing memories. It also connects emotions and senses, such as smell and sound, to memories."

- Regina Bailey

How Video Games Affect Brain Function

Augmented Reality

Projecting Reality

Dr. Helen Hope, M.D. Ch., of Scribblebytes' Beta Testing department explains that "Mvikeli version 3.5.7. is able to achieve such a visceral connection with each player through the advanced direction and amplification of electromagnetic waves". Through Venusian technology, The Afro-Deity Foundation has been able to encode and transmit these EM waves over digital bytes of sound and specially-treated moving images. Currently, terrestrial scientists acknowledge that "radio waves and brain waves are both forms of electromagnetic radiation - waves of energy that travel at the speed of light", however they have yet to find ways to amplify these waves beyond 100 cycles per second (Dougherty, 2011). Venusian Technicians have overcome this terrestrial challenge as Night Game is transmitted using a combination of Alpha and Theta-like waves at frequencies of up to 6PHz (Petahertz).

Night Game is Best Played in Bed at Night, with Your Device in the Horizontal Position
Night Game is Best Played in Bed at Night, with Your Device in the Horizontal Position

Animal Magnetism

Bio-Electric Fields 

Night Game directs focused waves on 3 areas of the human organism. These 3 areas respond to the "quark" colours or energy variants explained above i.e. Red, Blue and Green. Terrestrial researchers in your current reality have attributed the magnetic nature of the human body as Animal Magnetism and/or Bio-electricity:

"Animal magnetism is a healing system devised by Franz Anton Mesmer. It is based on the belief in the existence of a universal magnetic fluid that is central in the restoration and maintenance of health [...] in his early medical practice, he experimented with using iron magnets to treat illness. Later, he used new techniques which involved 'magnetic passes' or sweeping movements of the hands to direct magnetic fluid to diseased parts of the patient's body. Using these methods, Mesmer performed some remarkable cures in Austria, Germany and France"

- University of Pittsburgh

Early Works on Animal Magnetism

A Generic Model Showing the Skin, Structure and Energy/Magnetism Bodies Similar to the Ones Used in the Creation of Mvikeli version 3.5.7
A Generic Model Showing the Skin, Structure and Energy/Magnetism Bodies Similar to the Ones Used in the Creation of Mvikeli version 3.5.7
An Artist's Impression of Anton Mesmer Interacting with the Magnetic Forces of His Patient
An Artist's Impression of Anton Mesmer Interacting with the Magnetic Forces of His Patient

"Bioelectricity is the electrical currents and electrical potentials generated by or occurring within living cells, tissues, and organisms. For example, neurons conduct signals by using electrical fields".

- Science Direct


Night Game uses a progressed and digitized form of Mesmer's technique in the sophisticated expression of Mvikeli version 3.5.7. By connecting to each player's bio-electric system and amplifying the milivolts within these systems, Night Game is able to interact with players even after the game has "ended".

Mvikeli3.5.7, LOVE IS FREE
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Night Game